27. Juli 2019
Absage der FIM Asia
"Hi all....after many days of crunching the numbers and much sleepless nights we have decided not to proceed with this year’s Championship...we are sorry."
Schlagwort: FIM
27. Juli 2019
"Hi all....after many days of crunching the numbers and much sleepless nights we have decided not to proceed with this year’s Championship...we are sorry."
2. Mai 2019
Do contact us if anyone would like to participate in the Championship....thank you Read more......
14. April 2019
Ergebnisse vom 1. EM-Lauf in Ottobiano Best lap: nr 4 - CHAREYRE Thomas 1:39.195 in lap 8 Avg 60,390 Race start: 14/04/2019 12:01:30 Race finish: 14/04/2019 12:23:48
1. März 2019
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